We ask all our coaches to undergo Criminal Record Bureau checks to protect players and the Club and these checks are regularly updated.
Our Safeguarding Officer is Amy West. If you need to contact her, please email: amywestrovers@outlook.com
The Club is committed to protecting children playing football and we operate a 'No Photographs or Video Policy' at the Home Ground. The only exception to this is with the approval of both team managers. Although match reporting is encouraged, it is essential that no player names are mentioned where the individuals can be easily identified i.e. alongside a photograph.
For information or advice concerning the Club policy please contact or a Committee member.
Player Guidelines
Players will comply with the following rules, failure to comply with these rules may result in player suspension.
As a member of Orpington Rovers F.C all players are ambassadors of the club and the team they play for, all players are expected to conduct themselves appropriately during any activity when representing both club and team following the clubs code of conduct.
At all times all players are expected to be courteous and respectful to ORFC officials, opposing team officials, players and match officials.
As a member of a team you are expected to attend match days and training on time as directed by your team manager and advise with adequate notice any team event you are unable to attend.
If a player is late or misses fees payment they will be suspended from play until such time that the fee payment is made.
All players MUST provide a completed players pack signed by player/parents or career prior to the start of the season, player registration cards will only be released once the players pack is received.
In the event that a player is booked or sent off during a match, a fine may be incurred via the respective league or F.A, any fine received will be paid by the club and associated costs will be recharged to the player, all fines are to be paid by the club within 7 days of being notified of the fine.
All players are asked to assist with keeping the club tidy during match days, to assist with this all players are to remove items such as water bottles from areas around the pitches at the end of each game also ensuring changing rooms are cleared of rubbish at the end of each game.
All players must respect the ground at all times. This includes refraining from warming up or training in goal mouths prior to or during any match day activities.
Any equipment used during training or match days must be returned to the coach/manager at the end of each session. It is the responsibility of us all to respect the equipment provided by the club.
Any goalkeeper who attends external training that is recognised by the club and approved by the team manager/club committee will only be eligible for fees reduction with proof of attendance from each session.